About us
In the picturesque Maluti Mountains of Zastron in the Orange Free State, there is a wonderful family farm called Boomplaats (that’s us). Boomplaats is one of few farms in the country that practice holistic farming. But even better, it was the very first farm in the whole of South Africa to produce regte egte certified organic cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens. How’s that? Click here to view our certification.
The climate of the Free State can be harsh so at Boomplaats we only keep animals that are indigenous to South Africa so they are hardy and well-adapted and don’t get sick easily. Which is good because at Boomplaats we don’t vaccinate or dip our animals. Neither do we ever use any nasty herbicides, fungicides, pesticides or chemicals on our crops or in our soils. So the grasses and legumes eaten by our lucky animals are packed with real nutrients that your body can use to keep you healthy.